Scouts WA Youth Liam Gallagher
Youth Leading

Youth Leading Scouts WA
The Scout Method empowers young people to develop their capacities for making decisions that affect their lives, and engage in decision making in the groups and institutions in which they are involved, We support Scout Members to reach their full capacity.
Read the stories and accomplishments shared by our members and Scouts WA youth.
Scouts WA Youth Stories
Liam Gallagher
Development Officer
Liam is the second Scouts WA Rover to achieve the ADVANCED DIPLOMA LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT this year. A remarkable achievement as only two Scouts nationally have the qualification and they are both from WA. The first was Jordan Phillips earlier this year.
This is an amazing achievement and indicates the level at which Liam is working within Scouts. The qualification is new to Scout Australia Institute of Training (SAIT) this year, with the Diploma in Leadership and Management being a prerequisite.

Liam Gallagher Interview
When did you start with Scouts WA and where?
I began my Scouting journey in 2019, at Bibra Lake. After two years I found my new home at Willagee-Kardinya Scout Group.
Tell us about the kinds of projects, team events and community projects you have been involved with at Scouts to work towards getting your Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management?
My most significant accomplishments to achieving my Advanced Diploma include:
1) As a Joey Scout Leader (JSL) at Willagee -Kardinya, I organised and worked with other section leaders and parent helpers to aid in the running of weekly activities for my Joey Scouts, as well as collaborating with section leaders for joint section camps such as Joey/ Cub camps, and leading our latest end-of-year Group wind-up event.
2) My role on the National Rover Council (NRC) as Public Relation and Marketing Officer (PR&M) in 2021 allowed me to create communication channels between all PR&M Officers across all States and Territories. I led two sub-committees during my term with whom I worked with sporadically during peak periods towards major NRC events and activities.
3) My role on the Western Australia Rover Council (WARC) as PR Officer in 2021 allowed me to work collaboratively with the WARC executive and Unit Leaders. I mentored and provided efficient handover notes to my replacement as I transitioned from my role as PR Officer to Training and Development Officer (T&D Officer) for 2022.
4) My current role on WARC as T&D Officer throughout 2022, has allowed me to guide, support and encourage Rover Scouts through their training pathway. Since I took on this role, I created channels of communication between Rovers needing to complete their Certificate of Proficiency, and effectively supported six Rovers to achieving their Wood Badge.
What contribution have you made to Scouts that is most meaningful to you?
Nothing is more rewarding than seeing my Joey Scouts become more involved each week as they become more confident through their development of the SPICES.
Do you feel that Scouts has made a difference to your life or career aspirations?
My experience working with Joey Scouts built my confidence as a primary education student. I got my first job in a school as a Teaching Assistant because of my experience in Scouting, leading children in a hands-on learning environment. I also accredit my role in Scouting to my current job as an Outside School Hours Care Educator.
How would you use being the recipient of this Diploma to influence other Scouts and how will it impact you in the future?
My accomplishment has inspired other section leaders, Rovers, parent helpers, and other Scouting members to motivate themselves to achieving VET qualifications offered through SAIT.
Because of my Advanced Diploma, I have been offered a temporary coordinator position at my place of work after six months of my ongoing casual appointment.
Tell us about a Scout Leader, friend or mentor who made a significant impact on you or set you on your present path?
Jordan Phillips was my first mentor in Rovers. Since he dragged me into the world of Scouting, we’ve been hand-in-hand on our journeys through Rovers. He’s been a wealth of knowledge to me, he’s been my rock, he’s pushed me to believe in myself more and more each day.
Heather Stanley was my first Rover advisor. Heather was so lovely and supportive . She made me proud to be a Rover Scout, from someone who knew next to nothing about Scouting for 90% of my life.
Ann Southall and Loz Lovatt made my journey through the training pathway worthwhile. They made me feel like family on the training courses. It was always an honour and privilege to be presented with every accomplishment by these two women that I hold in such high regard.
What has been your greatest Scouts challenge?
Overcoming my self-doubt, debating if I was good enough to lead or voice my opinions. Overtime, I was thrown into a whirlwind of leadership positions for my Rover Unit, Scout Group, WARC and NRC. I have grown more confident and feel like I finally fit in, feel brave enough to voice my opinion, and to stand up against those who do wrong in Scouting and stand out to be my true self.
What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned from your time at Scouts that you’d like to share?
When we reach the end of our lives, we regret the things we didn’t do more than things we did. Take advantage of what comes your way: executive positions, e vent staff, major Scouting events, sectional events. Attend them and enjoy yourself.
Pick your battles. You will not agree with everyone and not everyone will agree with you. Some things are worth fighting for, and other things cause an unnecessary flow on affect that can hurt the people around you.