September News

Scouts WA Adventure Centres Updates
Update from Nicolle, Activities Centre Manager
We received some glowing feedback from a youth member who has been a part of our camps since we began.
She has always been a pleasure to have and an asset for mentoring other youth. She is positive and motivated and has a calming nature about her. On one of the camps, this young lady wrote a letter to the staff expressing her gratitude for our camps which had us all moved. She is always open to sharing her culture and stories of her family and friends.
We can’t wait to see her again soon and have loved being able to watch her grow into such a wonderful young lady.
Manjedal turns white
On Tuesday the 9th of August the beautiful surroundings of Manjedal were turned white.
Staff and patrons were treated to a freak hailstorm which saw the temperature plummet from 11 to 4 degrees in a matter of minutes.
A lot of fun was had building snowballs (yes Jon we are aware it wasn’t snow).

Flying Fox Update
The team at Scouts WA Adventure Centres – Manjedal are busily working towards getting the flying fox back up and operational after carrying out some necessary maintenance.
Whilst unfortunately it is not operational for Enduro this year we are looking forward to having it back up and running in 2023.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this causes anybody.