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Environment and Sustainability

The natural environment is at the very heart of Scouting, as emphasised by Baden Powell – “The man who is blind to the beauties of Nature has missed half the pleasure of life”. We want Scouts to enjoy everything this amazing planet has to offer, and we are determined not to destroy it in the process.

As Scouts, we are challenged to Be Respectful, to Care for Others and The Environment. Globally, we are challenged to Create A Better World. What are you going to do today, that will shape a more environmentally sustainable future for the youth of tomorrow?

Every year, Scouts across Western Australia organise and participate in a huge number of environmental activities including erosion prevention works, energy and water saving projects, wildlife monitoring projects, tree plantings and environmental training courses. Many Scout Groups are also involved with national events such as Clean Up Australia Day.

Scouts WA Environment and Sustainability Team, gives members a range of
tools and knowledge to participate in development opportunities that provide assistance for themselves and other members of the Scout Movement.

Our Scout Environment Charter encourages Scouts to ‘Think Globally and Act Locally’, a sentiment that can apply to many of your Group’s programs. We’re also committed to minimal impact practices across the organisation.

Scouts Australia Environment Charter
A Scout care for the Environment by:

  • Protecting and Improving Biodiversity
  • Learning About the Environment and Inspiring Others
  • Enjoying and Connecting
  • Living Sustainable Lives by Taking Action to Reduce Negative Impacts
  • Thinking globally and acting locally 

Running a great scouting event that increases environmental awareness? Want to share your environment project to inspire other members? Sign up to the Scouts WA Environment and Sustainability Facebook page and share your story or spread the word through Scouts@info.

Environment Partners

Sustainability Checklists
Are you interested in the sustainable management of Scouting properties? Wondering what the next steps you could take at your local Scouting campsite or property are?

These checklists have been developed as simple tools for us to use when planning for, and delivering on, the sustainability of our Scouting premises. Download them, start evaluating and begin reinvigorating your local areas and sites with a sustainable management plan.

Are you interested in running an environmental event? Need a bit more support to make it happen? Want to show off your event to Scouts across WA? Let us know!

Jack Leighton-Jones the Branch Leader, Environment and Sustainability at bl.environmentandsustainability@scoutswa.com.au.