The Scouts WA Foundation
The Foundation is the means by which Scouts WA can ensure its legacy for future generations. It seeks to invest funds for large projects which are once in a life-time occurrences such as the implementation of the program. It is administered by the Board of Scouts WA and funds are exclusively for use in the enhancement of Scouting experiences for youth. Your donation ensures that the Scouting heritage, traditions, customs and culture are preserved for years to come.
Reasons to join Scouts WA
A unique
Our program is like nothing else, offering a huge range of activities and experiences for ages ranging from 6 to 25 – and new members can join at any stage of Scouts!
Fun and
From stories, games and craft to camping, bush adventures and water activities, Scouting offers activities to suit every interest and age group.
Growth and Learning
Scouts grow through adventure and new challenges. They make friends, build confidence and explore their abilities and interests. But most of all, Scouts have fun!
Diversity and Inclusion
Scouts WA values diversity and we warmly welcome members and volunteers from all backgrounds, and those with intellectual or physical disabilities.