A Donation to Scouts WA
Creating a culture of giving for generations to come
“We know you are committed to youth development because you have chosen Scouts!
We have our past families to thank for the facilities Scouts have today and it is their foresight which has enabled Scouting to offer an abundance of opportunities for our youth to explore, experience and learn.
Scouts WA recognises that we need to build on the past in order to remain relevant and at the forefront of education which prepares our youth for an ever changing society.
Our Giving Program provides you with the opportunity to be part of these plans,”
Jess Karlsson, Chief Executive Officer.
Some Compelling Facts:
6933 members provided with a sense of personal identity and self-worth (77% of these are Youth Members)
47.5% of all leadership and administrative roles are held by female members.
Youth and adult members volunteered 750,624 hours of service annually, while the Staff donate over 4,000 hours of their time.
Over 120 free formal training courses were offered across the organisation and 13 youth members received VET Qualifications in Business, Leadership and Management, and Outdoor Recreation.
A new Equity and Wellbeing Portfolio was created to address Spiritual Development, Mental Health First Aid, Diversity LBGT+, Scouts with Additional Needs, Environment and Sustainability, Multicultural and Indigenous Scouting.
Scouts WA has provided opportunities for young people for over 110 years. By Supporting Scouts WA, you are making an investment in the Youth Members across Western Australia. Gifts can be money or property and if valued over $2 are tax deductible.
The impact of your giving
100% of your donations can be directed to the following programs and projects:
The Caring Circle
Helping fellow Scouts who may be experiencing temporary difficulty with membership payment.
Scouts WA Adventure Centre Building Program
Growing the world-class recreational facilities at the Manjedal, Eaton, Vasse and Gilcreek Adventure Centres for all to enjoy.
The Scouts WA Training Program
Delivering complimentary Tertiary and VET Qualifications to Scouts WA members.
The Scouting Program
Providing opportunities and support for over 7,000 individuals throughout WA to flourish and thrive on their Scouting journey.
The Scouts WA Foundation
Ensuring there are sufficient funds to maintain the operations of Scouts WA into the future.
If you would like more information, please call 08 6240 7709 or email accounts4@scoutswa.com.au.
If you would like to discuss making a donation you can contact us on the address below by telephone or email or simply click the Donation form and return it to us by mail and we will contact you.

Reasons to join Scouts WA
A unique
Our program is like nothing else, offering a huge range of activities and experiences for ages ranging from 6 to 25 – and new members can join at any stage of Scouts!
Fun and
From stories, games and craft to camping, bush adventures and water activities, Scouting offers activities to suit every interest and age group.
Growth and Learning
Scouts grow through adventure and new challenges. They make friends, build confidence and explore their abilities and interests. But most of all, Scouts have fun!
Diversity and Inclusion
Scouts WA values diversity and we warmly welcome members and volunteers from all backgrounds, and those with intellectual or physical disabilities.