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Taste of adventure inspires those most in need

The Mandjedal Activity Centre (MAC) located in Karrakup, is the home of Scouting. With 184 hectares of Jarrah forest, the site regularly hosts events ranging from Campwest and Enduro to specialised Leadership Camps.

Lisa is a 14-year-old Aboriginal girl who is in the care of the Department of Child Protection. In her own words, here is how she describes the Mandjedal Activity Centre Camp (MAC) that she attends four times a year.

“I have been on three camps and I have loved and appreciated every second. There is something about the camp that keeps brining me back each time and each time I come back to the camp it just keeps on getting better.

“The Leaders on this camp are just inspiring to be around.

“Each of these Leaders has something unique about them, like Foxy always putting a smile on your face every time she’s around. Hawk-eye I don’t know where to start, you are so funny you put me in cramps when you try to keep up with the slang ‘Doll’ and your dance moves are so good.

“There is this guy called Eagle who seems like he lives here but he is the most intelligent person I have ever known. I can’t forget Gecko she’s the most lovely, caring person in this camp. Last but not least there’s Brumby, she’s one of those people who you can tell your whole life story to and she won’t judge you.

“There’s something about this camp and the people in the camp that makes it feel like a family and when I come though those gates it feels like all the bad things have just gone and I can be me. I don’t need to be somebody else, no lies, no running away from the things I fear most. I feel safe here. I feel like it’s a home.

“This camp has kept me out of trouble.

“Before my first camp I was hanging around with the wrong people going out every night, mixed into drugs and the police.

“I was fighting and because of that I got kicked out of school and almost got 12 months in jail but then I came here to this camp not knowing that it would change my  life.

“This camp has motivated me to go to school everyday, try out for the state team and it has motivated me to not do things I am not supposed to do and has motivated me to be the first one in my family to do something they have not been able to do.

“I can  be who I want to be and to follow my dreams which is to make a difference in people’s lives”.

Since this piece was written, ‘Lisa’ has attended a fourth camp as a Trainee Leader. She is making great progress and is a wonderful role model for the other 67 plus youth, aged 10-16, who attend each camp.

At just 26 years-old, Caitlin Arcus is the youngest Deputy Chief Commissioner to have ever been appointed in Western Australia. Her role is devoted solely to empowering youth. Caitlin continues to prove that you are never to young to make a difference and would like to share with you a little bit about her own Scouting journey.