Scouts WA Reconciliation Plan October Update
Kaya in Scouts WA
Scouts WA Reconciliation working group has completed our first Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which will be reviewed for endorsement by our Board of Directors this October.
Once our RAP has been endorsed by our Board, it will be submitted to Reconciliation Western Australia for approval.
This process can take three to six months, with multiple updates and edits to be reviewed. Once Scouts WA’s Reflect RAP has been approved, it will be shared with all our members and staff.
If you’re interested in learning more about Reconciliation Action Plans, there are several free events available through Reconciliation WA. Click here for details.
We are specifically seeking people with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds to join Scouts WA’s RAP working group.
If you are interested in joining Scouts WA’s RAP working group, please send an EOI to Jess. Click here to send details.