Scouts WA Reconciliation

Kaya in Scouts WA

Scouts WA and Reconciliation WA

Scouts WA (SWA) has begun the journey of reconciliation, by developing our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), working with Reconciliation WA.

The SWA RAP working group has commenced this in July 2022, and we hope to have a Reflect RAP ready for submission to Reconciliation Australia by the end of 2022.

Our SWA Reflect RAP will be used to lay the foundations and prepare our organisation for future RAPs and reconciliation initiatives. Generally, a Reflect RAP has a 12-18 month duration, and we expect SWA’s to meet this timeframe.

One of the initiatives you’ll see in our Reflect RAP is to promote reconciliation through our networks. This means you’ll see updates like this, which is from Reconciliation WA in our updates.

Thanks for being part of this journey,
