Scouts WA SAIT Workshops and Project Patrol

Now is an ideal time for Venturers to achieve qualifications through the Scouts Australia Institute of Training RTO 5443!
Venturer Scouts and Units can achieve the BSB20120 – Certificate II Workplace Skills and CHC24015 – Certificate II Active Volunteering.
BSB20120 – Certificate II Workplace Skills and CHC24015 – Certificate II Active Volunteering.
The workshop assists Venturers collate the evidence needed to meet the requirements for certification.
MS Team workshops are being held to discuss the evidence each Venturer has and to fill in gaps with Professional Conversations, which are recorded and uploaded to each participant’s profile as additional evidence. After the MS Teams meeting, which, depending on numbers, takes between one and two hours, each Venturer Scout will have about a dozen pieces of evidence to email through to the Assessor. It’s as easy as that!
Comments from Venturers and Venturer Leaders to date confirm the entire process is positive and straightforward. If the two qualifications were undertaken with an outside RTO, it would cost more than $4,000.
The MS Teams workshops are from 7pm- 9pm and you will need to register by the links below. If you have questions regarding these qualification’s email Daryn.
Please use the below links to register.