MyScout Read-Only

MyScout will transition to a read-only mode starting from Sunday, 17 March, in preparation for the release of our new platform. During this period, we understand the critical need for seamless support within Scouting operations. To ensure continuity, temporary process adjustments are necessary.

R1 – Application for Authority to Conduct an Event

The R1 can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel format here, or access the google sheet version here.

The Risk Management Guidelines can be found here.

Facility Forms 

For more info and assistance please contact 

Training & Events 

A calendar of upcoming events is available on the website here. Event registrations are now managed through ScoutMap.

A Y3 is required for youth members and A5 for adult members for any events or activities not run through ScoutMap

Update Medical and Dietary Information:

We urge members to update health, dietary, and contact details in Myscout before Sunday, 17 March, especially if registering for events between 18 March and 15 April.

Here are some forms you may need:

Membership Invoicing:

New and renewing member invoices will be issued weekly by the finance team directly to members.

Thank you!

During this transition period, kindly note that all forms should be submitted via email, and for any urgent matters or queries, please contact us at 08 6240 7700.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience during this transition. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.