
List of Donors


2013Peter Walton AM CF
2013-2020Sherry Donaldson
2018Jim MacFarlane

Caring Circle

Anyone donating above $500 is in a league of their own, they are an Absolute Treasure. 

2020Anonymous x4Extraordinary
2020Anonymous Board MemberExtraordinary
2021Anonymous x1Keen
2020Matthew BlychaExtraordinary
2020Gordon CargeegExtraordinary
2020Sherry DonaldsonExtraordinary
2020Patricia GilmourKeen
2020Tony GohExtraordinary
2020Greg HighamExtraordinary
2020Genevieve HohnenExtraordinary
2021Genevieve HohnenExtraordinary
2020David KellyExtraordinary
2020Dr Stephen LeeAbsolute Treasure
2020Ayden MackenzieExtraordinary
2020Sheridan McDonaldExtraordinary
2020Rebecca MorseKeen
2020Alan MillerExtraordinary
2020Sandra MinifieExtraordinary
2021Alan (Aussie) Osborne Absolute Treasure
2020Dr Scott SargantExtraordinary
2020Jon SayerExtraordinary
2020Sylvia ShawExtraordinary
2020Miriam StanboroughExtraordinary
2022Rachael TammeAbsolute Treasure
2020Mark ThorpeKeen
2020Gwen TreasureAbsolute Treasure
2020David TurnerExtraordinary
2021Cameron TurnorKeen
2020David VosnacosExtraordinary
2020Isaac WetherleyExtraordinary
2022John WilkinsKeen
2022Rochelle WilkinsKeen
2020Cassandra WilsonKeen
2020David YoungExtraordinary
2020Lemieux FamilyKeen
2020Kinross Scout GroupExtraordinary
2020Scouts WA Administration StaffExtraordinary and Keen



Reasons to join Scouts WA

A unique

Our program is like nothing else, offering a huge range of activities and experiences for ages ranging from 6 to 25 – and new members can join at any stage of Scouts!

Fun and

From stories, games and craft to camping, bush adventures and water activities, Scouting offers activities to suit every interest and age group.

Growth and Learning

Scouts grow through adventure and new challenges. They make friends, build confidence and explore their abilities and interests. But most of all, Scouts have fun!

Diversity and Inclusion

Scouts WA values diversity and we warmly welcome members and volunteers from all backgrounds, and those with intellectual or physical disabilities.

Scouts WA

Become a Scout!

If you're looking for your local Scout Group, we have made it easy for you. Simply search, register and become a member now for a fun filled adventurous journey of learning and skills building.