A message from our Deputy Chief Commissioner – Youth Empowerment Previous item An ode to Scouting Next item Scouting a family affair...

A message from our Deputy Chief Commissioner – Youth Empowerment

At just 26 years-old, Caitlin Arcus is the youngest Deputy Chief Commissioner to have ever been appointed in Western Australia. Her role is devoted solely to empowering youth. Caitlin continues to prove that you are never to young to make a difference and would like to share with you a little bit about her own Scouting journey.

“As someone who is about to finish 17 years of being a youth member and progress onto other challenges, the biggest reflection I have of Scouting is that you don’t have to be in it for 17 years to develop and benefit from it.

“Starting as the only girl in a Cub Pack, progressing to Scouts with lifelong friends, attending Jamboree and starting to develop leadership skills leading peers and friends, linking to Venturers at a different Group and realising the wider world of other Units started to broaden my horizons.

“My involvement at a District and Branch level started as I realised I could lead and be part of more young people’s Scouting journey.

Helping set up a Rover Crew (while learning about Sea Scouts as an 18 year old) then developing as a young adult through social networking, conflict resolution and adventure is something I think is unique to the Scouting movement.

“Being able to have as much fun as I can imagine with friends, peers and a diverse range of people by my side while learning life skills is the best way I can describe what I’ve got out of Scouting (and continue to get).

“These life skills have flowed over into my university degree then career as a health professional – communication and conflict resolution with people who’s lives are very different to mine, balancing study and work with leisure and being able to keep fit and happy are things I would not have been able to do without the experiences in Scouts.

“As young people are supported to embrace action, new challenges and adventure they develop into the citizens that we need in this world and I have loved being part of the fun!”