A Bequest to Scouts WA will contribute to the development of young people through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.
Encourage and Support
“Our young people are positive, respectful and community minded”
His Excellency the Honourable
Kim Beazley AC
Governor of Western Australia
Chief Scout of Western Australia
A BEQUEST is an investment in Western Australia’s future. In the world wide Scouting movement there are 28 million members, 70,000 of the members are from Australia and 7,000 hail from Western Australia.
If you would like to discuss making a Bequest you can contact us by phone, email or post at:
08 6240 7700
Donations to Scouts WA
133 Scarborough Beach Road
Mount Hawthorn WA 6016
If there is a particular area of Scouting you wish your gift to assist or you need the correct wording for your Will, we will be happy to advise you. Gifts can be money or property and if valued over $2 are tax deductible.

The late Jim MacFarlane, a generous benefactor
The First Step, your Will.
If you do consider making a Bequest to the Scout Association WA Branch, the first step is to ensure that your Will is in order.
We have outlined a simple guide to making your Will.
- Make a list of all your current assets, together with their approximate individual value.
- Decide how, and to whom (the Beneficiaries) you would like these assets (your Estate) to be distributed. You can nominate specific values or portions of your Estate to be received by any number of individuals or organisations.
- Choose an Executor – a trusted, knowledgeable person or a company. Your Executor, upon agreeing to the task, is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of your Will are enacted according to your wishes.
- Visit a Solicitor or Trustee Company with the above information. These people will help you to put the exact, unambiguous details of your Will into words.
- Review your Will from time to time, to ensure that your changing circumstances are considered in your Will.
- Please remember updating your Will is not a ‘Do It Yourself’ exercise. It cannot be legally altered simply by crossing out or inserting new words. You must consult with your Solicitor or Trustee, to ensure that any changes made are signed and witnessed in the appropriate manner.
Reasons to join Scouts WA
A unique
Our program is like nothing else, offering a huge range of activities and experiences for ages ranging from 6 to 25 – and new members can join at any stage of Scouts!
Fun and
From stories, games and craft to camping, bush adventures and water activities, Scouting offers activities to suit every interest and age group.
Growth and Learning
Scouts grow through adventure and new challenges. They make friends, build confidence and explore their abilities and interests. But most of all, Scouts have fun!
Diversity and Inclusion
Scouts WA values diversity and we warmly welcome members and volunteers from all backgrounds, and those with intellectual or physical disabilities.