Scouts WA Newsletter
We’re working to create stronger connections and clearer communications for Scouts WA.
Scouts WA has two newsletters for sharing information and updates – Scouts@Info is for our team members and volunteers and Scouts@News is our monthly newsletter for parents and helpers.
Both newsletters will be sent on the first Tuesday of every month to over 4000 adult members, including Leaders and Rovers.
We want to make it more about Scouts!
This is a great opportunity for us to get to know each other and what you’re working on and contributing to. We would love your stories and announcements to focus more on our youth members, volunteers, and community involvement.
Sharing your group news and updates statewide gives all Scouts a chance to participate and celebrate alongside you. And, importantly, every update contributes to a larger, more meaningful story showing the wider community who Scouts are and what we do.
Scouts WA stories and achievements – big and small – connect us and reflect the vibrant and fun organisation we’re all part of.
What do we want to hear?
- Share achievements, events, awards, nominations, jobs and volunteers’ information plus recognition for members or contributors.
- From our Scout Leaders and groups, we are looking for timely and relevant information to send out to our members.
The deadline is 4pm on the last Friday of the month for publication in the coming week’s edition sent out on a Tuesday.
Choose your topic, fill in the details (attached below) and email your contributions back – it’s that easy!
Scouts WA Youth Leading Story
Volunteer Recognition
Volunteer Requests
General News/Announcements
Policy and Procedure Updates
All articles and images can be emailed to or filled out using the forms above. We will share updates on the website, Facebook and Instagram pages as well as the newsletter.
What do we look for?
Timely and relevant state-level information for members and clearly labelled district or region-specific news or articles referencing past events.
You can include achievements, events, awards, nominations, sections, jobs and volunteers information plus recognition for members or contributors.
The deadline is 5pm Friday for publication in the coming week’s edition sent out on a Tuesday.
All submissions are to be done via our online form and may be used on the website, social media pages, internal publications, and newsletters.
- First impressions count. People decide within seconds whether to continue reading something.
- Try to be clear and concise in your writing and use bullets, lists and short sentences. The editorial team will edit content but use the provided resources to help frame your content.
- A logo or photo, when appropriate, will enhance your article.
- Aim to keep your article below 200 words/800 characters. If the topic is complex, we may need to link to a web page for more information.
- If you link to a web page, consider how you might reduce the content in your article. Don’t repeat information in your article that can be found via a link you’re sharing.
- Avoid repetitive content. If you’re promoting an event, post the full details on week 1, and a single sentence reminder in subsequent weeks with directions for more information and regular updates on social media event calendars and pages.
- The editorial team may need to hold some content to the following week to keep our newsletters to a manageable size.

Salter Point Sea Scouts Team at Mission Impossible 2022
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