Adventures from Home with Secret Harbour Scout Group Previous item Camp@Home Next item Freddie and his cooking

Adventures from Home with Secret Harbour Scout Group

Pictured above is Cooper with his campsite for the weekend from Secret Harbour Scout Group. An article was published in Sound Telegraph on Thursday, 30 April 2020. Please click here, here and here to see additional photos of Devon, Scott and Matilda participating in Scouting@Home. Here are some of the interview questions that were asked of Sharon Howe, Group Leader.

  1. How many members are in the Secret Harbour Scouts?
    We currently have 150 members at Secret Harbour Scout Group.The youth members range from 5 to 18 years of age.
  2. What does the Scouting@Home program involve?
    At Secret Harbour Scout Group the Scouting at home program combines youth members gathering online and engaging in purposeful challenges set by both Youth and Adult Leaders that cover areas of interest including the outdoors, creativity, personal growth and a developing sense of community.
  3. How will the Secret Harbour Scouts be involved?
    At Secret Harbour, we encourage youth to create their own journey either on their own, or in patrols. All members of the Secret Harbour Scout Group are able to participate in all different experiences that are hands-on, require minimal materials and can be done in their own home. Our scouts are participating in community projects including the rainbow driveway drawings, Anzac vigils and connecting to pen pals around the world. Some of our leaders and youth are even using this time to complete Scouting VET qualifications in business and leadership.
  4. Are there any other groups in the area also involved that you know of?
    Other local scouting groups are working on engaging youth online as well.
  5. How will the program help the Scouts In your group?
    Scouting becomes part of who you are. It is most important that we maintain friendships, offer support and stay positive for the well-being of all our members.
  6. When will the program kick off or has it already? If so how is it going so far?
    We have been running an online program for a month now. As an alternative to our annual group camp (cancelled due to social distancing requirements) we held a ‘No-Group-Group-Camp’. This involved approximately 70 of our youth being online at particular times over the weekend. The youth members participated in activities at home including setting up their own campsite, camp cooking, physical challenges and even an online dance party!